coming home

So here we are. I honestly can’t believe it. Forgive me if I sound overly dramatic or cliché here, but this moment is a dream come true. It’s not the first time I’ve put my endless stream of thoughts on wellness and motherhood and food and travel and life into written form. This time, though, feels wildly different.

If you know me personally or have followed my work over the last handful of years, then you already know what lights me up. My obsession with my husband, Joey and my 4 girls is probably very obvious over on social. Something you may not know is Joey has been my best friend since the day we met at the pool…in swim diapers and floaties. Quite literally, I’ve never known life without him. He and my 4 girls are an even better version of the bliss and depth I prayed I would have someday. You definitely already know that I live for food experiences, I’m a collector of meaningful, rich moments, I adore walking through motherhood in community with other women and as much as I crave adventure, I’m also a total creature of habit.

In my professional life, I’ve provided in-person and virtual sessions for every type of organization on basically every nutrition topic that’s been relevant in recent years. I’ve led wellness workshops, been a recipe creator, a blogger and an advocate for health food brands I believe in. I’ve counseled patients and clients all the way from the cardiac ICU to Zoom when the world was forced to course correct during quarantine. As an added value to my Dietetics practice, I’ve even taught yoga classes in corporate office spaces, on rooftops and inside speakeasies.

But I have a confession…

I am not in love with some of the work that I’ve produced in years past. That’s not to say that it wasn’t authentic, because it always was. Often, though, I think us go-getter female types step outside of our core giftedness to give a little too much to external demands. I stopped hearing the quiet voice of my most essential self telling me to say no and stay in my strength. Every one of those areas appeared to be deserving of my best work and so I kept showing up to provide whatever was being asked of me. Positive feedback and recognition, I found, can actually keep us from our calling.

Somewhere in the early fall of 2021, I picked up a book that changed the trajectory of my career, and for the sake of being dramatic again…my life. After listening to a podcast featuring the author, Greg Mckeown, I immediately ordered his first book, Essentialism and read it cover to cover over a weekend. I’ll share an excerpt…

Essentialism is not about how to get more things done. It doesn’t mean just doing less for the sake of less either. It is about making the wisest possible investment of your time and energy in order to operate at our highest point of contribution by doing only what is essential.
— Greg Mckeown

You know when you read something about your zodiac and think someone’s punking you because it’s too accurate to be real? That’s how I felt reading Essentialism. It was as if Greg had known me my entire life and crafted the perfect messaging to grab my attention and present a clear path back to my purpose.

I resolved to declutter and get clear. I pressed pause on my work completely and spent 3 months away from social media to dig deep. I called upon some very woo-woo strategies to get down to the essentials, but hey, sometimes our chakras need balancing and our crystals need cleansing. I will tell you, the mantra “Less, but better” more than anything else, helped me find my way back home.

So here she is. Here I am. Sunday | Monday, my proudest and most honest work. We’ve all been encouraged at one point or another to do the thing that we find ourselves doing whether we’re being compensated for it or not. This is it for me. Yes, she’s a compilation of my education and work experiences, my failures and progression… but more importantly, she’s my Sunday soul and my Monday spirit. So, thank you for being here and giving me the opportunity to share my Gemini self with you completely. I hope you find yourself at home here too.
