We’re not talking about the days when you have help from an assistant, a housekeeper or a nanny. I'm talking about the days when you are really in it, managing all of your worlds single handedly. The pandemic has forced us all into that camp at one point or another. The bright side of being challenged like that is we get to see how capable we actually are...but it does require a fierce commitment to not forget about ourselves.


Don't roll your eyes. All the great leaders in history claim to have had a disciplined a.m. routine, so there's really no sense in having an attitude about this one. *Insert Ben Franklin wisdom here about early risers being “healthy, wealthy and wise.” Of course, the exception to this is if you work nights. If so, you’ll have to be a little more creative with your me-time. For most of us, rising with (or even before) the sun is a chance to capture alone time before the day steals us away.

I set my alarm at least 1 hour before the kids wake up. This is obviously a moving target with a baby and a toddler, but in general I’m brushing my teeth by 6:00 am. The early morning is a perfect time for a wellness routine or anything requiring our undivided attention and focus. For us moms, this is our moment for the things that demand both hands and/or quiet.

Some ideas:

+ workout or stretch

+ meditate

+ read

+ journal

+ walk

+ plan your day

+ create (for me this may mean writing or editing)

+ prep healthy food for the day

+ do your a.m. skincare

+ tidy up your space


I live to eat. My life and work are food-centric, but when I'm under water, preparing meals in real time is way more challenging and less desirable. This is where fast, effortless food prep is so necessary. Once the kids are up, my attention is divided between them, work and all other to-do's. Once you clock in for the day, it's easier to eat healthily if your food's been preplanned and packed already, or let me handle the planning for you. Click here to get my monthly meal plans delivered to your inbox.

You can meal prep anything, but a favorite strategy of mine is to blend my breakfast and pour it into an insulated tumbler so it stays cold. Shakes and smoothies are no fuss, they take less than a minute to prepare, don't require 2 hands to eat and can provide you with everything you need energy and nutrition-wise at mealtime. I love adding Orgain plant-based protein to mine. You can use code KMARIAS30 for 30% off your first order here.

I include at least one of my favorite shake or smoothie recipes in each month’s meal plan. Like this Thin Mint one…

thin mint smoothie


Not everything takes an hour of dedicated time. 5-10 min bursts of productivity or self-care throughout the day add up. A 10 min walk to get your eyeballs away from your screen and into the natural light is better than none at all. If a meeting ends early or your baby catches a quick nap, use the time to do what you can for you. Don't overthink it, just check a box. Any box.

Ways I microburst while WFH:

+ listen to a podcast while doing something mindless like photo editing or dishes

+ write, tackle emails or make calls while harlow and hunter nap

+ load both babies in the double stroller & go for a coffee walk




coming home