I have deep empathy for anyone struggling to keep energy steady throughout the day after experiencing insomnia during my fourth pregnancy. When I was in the depths of the third trimester with Hunter, a midday nap and a 7pm bedtime felt non-negotiable. While I feel no shame in resting as needed and certainly recommend that you honor your body’s occasional demand for rest as well, there are simple strategies that help prevent total afternoon burnout.



Water is essential for life and not surprisingly, for our energy. Even mild dehydration can cause fatigue among a handful of other unpleasant symptoms like impaired alertness, memory and concentration. Afternoons are typically still go-time for busy working women and moms, so it goes without saying that we need to stay hydrated if we want to make it beyond 2pm. I’m not shy about admitting that water is a daily challenge for me. Even here in the desert, I have to be very intentional about meeting my daily needs. In addition to infused water and sparkling water, sugar free electrolyte packets help me hit my daily water intake goal and provide extra hydration simultaneously. I love brands like LMNT Elemental Labs because they provide a great tasting, low carbohydrate option that won’t mess with our blood sugar. I keep a cute water bottle within arm’s reach to help hydration stay front-of-mind for me all day.



Gone are the days of relying on small carbohydrate-rich meals for all day energy. I know, I know. Welcome to the ever-evolving world of nutrition. We as practitioners have to ride the wave along with everyone else as new studies emerge each year. What we know now is that protein and healthy fats provide the long-lasting energy needed to support a day’s worth of energy and that quality, fiber-rich carbohydrates serve a purpose, but are needed in much lesser volume. Instead of turning to sugary breakfast and snack options, I choose something that will set the stage for a day of steady energy even through the afternoon. A favorite breakfast of mine is breakfast tacos with scrambled eggs and avocado on grain-free tortillas. I also love smoothies with vanilla Orgain protein, almond milk, banana & almond butter.



Being sedentary is a death sentence for our energy. When I worked in corporate wellness, I often provided metabolic testing services to help my clients understand their individual daily "burn." Many were surprised to learn that while an active workout provides some, their simple daily movement comprised the majority of their energy output. In other words, getting our steps in matters. Use a standing desk, stretch, walk to lunch or coffee, park further away, take the stairs, use a motion device or track your steps with an app on your phone. Your basic activities really do account for the majority of your energy expenditure. If you have it in you to rally and workout during an afternoon low, go for it, but any movement no matter the intensity or time of day will help.



We've all been told how artificial indoor light and blue light screens drain us. The reason for that is our eyes are quite literally exposed brain tissue. We can increase energy and help our brains to function optimally simply by subjecting our eyes to natural light. For a really interesting listen on how nature impacts our neuroplasticity, focus and circadian rhythm, head to Dhru Porhuit’s Broken Brain podcast episode #134.
